25 March 2023 8:46:03.565 PM lebesgue_test(): FORTRAN90 version Test LEBESGUE(). LEBESGUE_TEST01: Analyze Chebyshev1 points. Chebyshev1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 1.4142136 3: 1.6666667 4: 1.8477591 5: 1.9888544 6: 2.1043977 7: 2.2022146 8: 2.2870161 9: 2.3618568 10: 2.4288295 11: 2.4894304 Chebyshev1 points for N = 11 1: 0.98982144 2: 0.90963200 3: 0.75574957 4: 0.54064082 5: 0.28173256 6: 0.28327694E-15 7: -0.28173256 8: -0.54064082 9: -0.75574957 10: -0.90963200 11: -0.98982144 Created graphics data file "chebyshev1_data.txt". Created graphics command file "chebyshev1_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST02: Analyze Chebyshev2 points. Chebyshev2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 1.0000000 3: 1.2500000 4: 1.6666667 5: 1.7987613 6: 1.9888544 7: 2.0825497 8: 2.2022146 9: 2.2746133 10: 2.3618568 11: 2.4209685 Chebyshev2 points for N = 11 1: -1.0000000 2: -0.95105652 3: -0.80901699 4: -0.58778525 5: -0.30901699 6: 0.61232340E-16 7: 0.30901699 8: 0.58778525 9: 0.80901699 10: 0.95105652 11: 1.0000000 Created graphics data file "chebyshev2_data.txt". Created graphics command file "chebyshev2_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST03: Analyze Chebyshev3 points. Chebyshev3 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 2.2360680 3: 3.4939592 4: 4.7587705 5: 6.0266742 6: 7.2962298 7: 8.5667722 8: 9.8379514 9: 11.109566 10: 12.381490 11: 13.653644 Chebyshev3 points for N = 11 1: -0.96291729 2: -0.85441940 3: -0.68255314 4: -0.46006504 5: -0.20345601 6: 0.68242413E-01 7: 0.33487961 8: 0.57668032 9: 0.77571129 10: 0.91721130 11: 0.99068595 Created graphics data file "chebyshev3_data.txt". Created graphics command file "chebyshev3_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST04: Analyze Chebyshev4 points. Chebyshev4 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 2.2360680 3: 3.4939592 4: 4.7587705 5: 6.0266742 6: 7.2962298 7: 8.5667722 8: 9.8379514 9: 11.109566 10: 12.381490 11: 13.653644 Chebyshev4 points for N = 11 1: -0.99068595 2: -0.91721130 3: -0.77571129 4: -0.57668032 5: -0.33487961 6: -0.68242413E-01 7: 0.20345601 8: 0.46006504 9: 0.68255314 10: 0.85441940 11: 0.96291729 Created graphics data file "chebyshev4_data.txt". Created graphics command file "chebyshev4_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST05: Analyze Equidistant1 points. Equidistant1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 3.0000000 3: 7.0000000 4: 15.000000 5: 31.000000 6: 63.000000 7: 127.00000 8: 255.00000 9: 511.00000 10: 1023.0000 11: 2047.0000 Equidistant1 points for N = 11 1: -0.83333333 2: -0.66666667 3: -0.50000000 4: -0.33333333 5: -0.16666667 6: 0.0000000 7: 0.16666667 8: 0.33333333 9: 0.50000000 10: 0.66666667 11: 0.83333333 Created graphics data file "equidistant1_data.txt". Created graphics command file "equidistant1_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST06: Analyze Equidistant2 points. Equidistant2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 1.0000000 3: 1.2500000 4: 1.6311250 5: 2.2078243 6: 3.1062763 7: 4.5487197 8: 6.9294490 9: 10.944351 10: 17.844929 11: 29.890695 Equidistant2 points for N = 11 1: -1.0000000 2: -0.80000000 3: -0.60000000 4: -0.40000000 5: -0.20000000 6: 0.0000000 7: 0.20000000 8: 0.40000000 9: 0.60000000 10: 0.80000000 11: 1.0000000 Created graphics data file "equidistant2_data.txt". Created graphics command file "equidistant2_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST07: Analyze Equidistant3 points. Equidistant3 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 2.0000000 3: 3.5000000 4: 6.0000000 5: 10.375000 6: 18.250000 7: 32.687500 8: 59.500000 9: 109.77344 10: 204.73438 11: 385.16016 Equidistant3 points for N = 11 1: -0.90909091 2: -0.72727273 3: -0.54545455 4: -0.36363636 5: -0.18181818 6: 0.0000000 7: 0.18181818 8: 0.36363636 9: 0.54545455 10: 0.72727273 11: 0.90909091 Created graphics data file "equidistant3_data.txt". Created graphics command file "equidistant3_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST08: Analyze Fejer1 points. Fejer1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 1.4142136 3: 1.6666667 4: 1.8477591 5: 1.9888544 6: 2.1043977 7: 2.2022146 8: 2.2870161 9: 2.3618568 10: 2.4288295 11: 2.4894304 Fejer1 points for N = 11 1: -0.98982144 2: -0.90963200 3: -0.75574957 4: -0.54064082 5: -0.28173256 6: 0.28327694E-15 7: 0.28173256 8: 0.54064082 9: 0.75574957 10: 0.90963200 11: 0.98982144 Created graphics data file "fejer1_data.txt". Created graphics command file "fejer1_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST09: Analyze Fejer2 points. Fejer2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 1: 1.0000000 2: 2.0000000 3: 3.0000000 4: 4.0000000 5: 5.0000000 6: 6.0000000 7: 7.0000000 8: 8.0000000 9: 9.0000000 10: 10.000000 11: 11.000000 Fejer2 points for N = 11 1: -0.96592583 2: -0.86602540 3: -0.70710678 4: -0.50000000 5: -0.25881905 6: 0.61232340E-16 7: 0.25881905 8: 0.50000000 9: 0.70710678 10: 0.86602540 11: 0.96592583 Created graphics data file "fejer2_data.txt". Created graphics command file "fejer2_commands.txt". LEBESGUE_TEST(): Normal end of execution. 25 March 2023 8:46:03.579 PM