# include # include # include # include # include using namespace std; # include "bellman_ford.hpp" //****************************************************************************80 void bellman_ford ( int v_num, int e_num, int source, int e[], double e_weight[], double v_weight[], int predecessor[] ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // BELLMAN_FORD finds shortest paths from a given vertex of a weighted directed graph. // // Discussion: // // The Bellman-Ford algorithm is used. // // Each edge of the graph has a weight, which may be negative. However, // it should not be the case that there is any negative loop, that is, // a circuit whose total weight is negative. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 11 November 2014 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // Input, int V_NUM, the number of vertices. // // Input, int E_NUM, the number of edges. // // Input, int SOURCE, the vertex from which distances will be calculated. // // Input, int E[2*E_NUM], the edges, given as pairs of vertex indices. // // Input, double E_WEIGHT[E_NUM], the weight of each edge. // // Output, double V_WEIGHT[V_NUM], the weight of each node, that is, // its minimum distance from SOURCE. // // Output, int PREDECESSOR[V_NUM], a list of predecessors, which can be // used to recover the shortest path from any node back to SOURCE. // { int i; int j; const double r8_big = 1.0E+30; double t; int u; int v; // // Step 1: initialize the graph. // for ( i = 0; i < v_num; i++ ) { if ( i == source ) { v_weight[i] = 0.0; } else { v_weight[i] = r8_big; } } for ( i = 0; i < v_num; i++ ) { predecessor[i] = -1; } // // Step 2: Relax edges repeatedly. // for ( i = 1; i < v_num; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < e_num; j++ ) { u = e[1+j*2]; v = e[0+j*2]; t = v_weight[u] + e_weight[j]; if ( t < v_weight[v] ) { v_weight[v] = t; predecessor[v] = u; } } } // // Step 3: check for negative-weight cycles // for ( j = 0; j < e_num; j++ ) { u = e[1+j*2]; v = e[0+j*2]; if ( v_weight[u] + e_weight[j] < v_weight[v] ) { cerr << "\n"; cerr << "BELLMAN_FORD - Fatal error!\n"; cerr << " Graph contains a cycle with negative weight.\n"; exit ( 1 ); } } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void i4mat_transpose_print ( int m, int n, int a[], string title ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4MAT, transposed. // // Discussion: // // An I4MAT is an MxN array of I4's, stored by (I,J) -> [I+J*M]. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 31 January 2005 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // Input, int M, the number of rows in A. // // Input, int N, the number of columns in A. // // Input, int A[M*N], the M by N matrix. // // Input, string TITLE, a title. // { i4mat_transpose_print_some ( m, n, a, 1, 1, m, n, title ); return; } //****************************************************************************80 void i4mat_transpose_print_some ( int m, int n, int a[], int ilo, int jlo, int ihi, int jhi, string title ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT, transposed. // // Discussion: // // An I4MAT is an MxN array of I4's, stored by (I,J) -> [I+J*M]. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 15 October 2014 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // Input, int M, the number of rows of the matrix. // M must be positive. // // Input, int N, the number of columns of the matrix. // N must be positive. // // Input, int A[M*N], the matrix. // // Input, int ILO, JLO, IHI, JHI, designate the first row and // column, and the last row and column to be printed. // // Input, string TITLE, a title. // { # define INCX 10 int i; int i2hi; int i2lo; int j; int j2hi; int j2lo; cout << "\n"; cout << title << "\n"; if ( m <= 0 || n <= 0 ) { cout << "\n"; cout << " (None)\n"; return; } // // Print the columns of the matrix, in strips of INCX. // for ( i2lo = ilo; i2lo <= ihi; i2lo = i2lo + INCX ) { i2hi = i2lo + INCX - 1; if ( m < i2hi ) { i2hi = m; } if ( ihi < i2hi ) { i2hi = ihi; } cout << "\n"; // // For each row I in the current range... // // Write the header. // cout << " Row: "; for ( i = i2lo; i <= i2hi; i++ ) { cout << setw(6) << i - 1 << " "; } cout << "\n"; cout << " Col\n"; cout << "\n"; // // Determine the range of the rows in this strip. // j2lo = jlo; if ( j2lo < 1 ) { j2lo = 1; } j2hi = jhi; if ( n < j2hi ) { j2hi = n; } for ( j = j2lo; j <= j2hi; j++ ) { // // Print out (up to INCX) entries in column J, that lie in the current strip. // cout << setw(5) << j - 1 << ":"; for ( i = i2lo; i <= i2hi; i++ ) { cout << setw(6) << a[i-1+(j-1)*m] << " "; } cout << "\n"; } } return; # undef INCX } //****************************************************************************80 void i4vec_print ( int n, int a[], string title ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC. // // Discussion: // // An I4VEC is a vector of I4's. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 14 November 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // Input, int N, the number of components of the vector. // // Input, int A[N], the vector to be printed. // // Input, string TITLE, a title. // { int i; cout << "\n"; cout << title << "\n"; cout << "\n"; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cout << " " << setw(8) << i << ": " << setw(8) << a[i] << "\n"; } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void r8vec_print ( int n, double a[], string title ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC. // // Discussion: // // An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 16 August 2004 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // Input, int N, the number of components of the vector. // // Input, double A[N], the vector to be printed. // // Input, string TITLE, a title. // { int i; cout << "\n"; cout << title << "\n"; cout << "\n"; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cout << " " << setw(8) << i << ": " << setw(14) << a[i] << "\n"; } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void timestamp ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. // // Example: // // 31 May 2001 09:45:54 AM // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the MIT license. // // Modified: // // 08 July 2009 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // None // { # define TIME_SIZE 40 static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE]; const struct std::tm *tm_ptr; std::time_t now; now = std::time ( NULL ); tm_ptr = std::localtime ( &now ); std::strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm_ptr ); std::cout << time_buffer << "\n"; return; # undef TIME_SIZE }